
Beat the Weight Gain Statistics!

This is where it starts to get real.

Nothing changes your metabolism and body shape more than strength training! The stronger you are the faster your metabolism is. For example, 1 lb of lean muscle burns 35-50 calories a day while resting. 1 lb of fat burns roughly 5-10 calories or LESS a day while resting. When men and women experience changes in their hormone levels, strength training can reverse the effects of lowered metabolism from the hormone drops. Strength training increases muscle cell size which makes the muscles stronger, when the muscles are stronger metabolism is faster! Muscle cell size increases when the pituitary gland communicates to the thyroid gland. The communication between cells happen through proper nutrition. Keep your weight off with a good diet and weight lifting!

*CoachKel education and services is not a registered dietitian or physician. Always consult your doctor for specific medical needs and questions. (List this after each little paragraph/blog)

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