Beauty is like the frosting on top of the cake! You have your confidence and health driven from fitness, which is like your cake base. The frosting is the beauty products to enhance your cake’s glow! (Can you tell Kelli likes birthday cake?! :p)
Our brand provides beauty tips and cosmetic health hacks! Kelli, our founder and the trainers associated with Coach Kel Club, are passionate about finding reliable hygienic brands with quality products. Investing in a good hygiene regimen is never money wasted!
There is a Netflix movie called Broken which outlines how dirty and flawed the cosmetic industry is. The team at Coach Kel Club takes pride in debunking the beauty industry. Our followers will never find us promoting a product which we haven’t done our research on. Often, social media influencers get caught up in promoting products from a third party vendor as a means of revenue. The products we promote will always be linked to the original business. Follow our social media pages or reach out if you have questions about products. We want to help people who want to find clean and safe products.